Facebook ‘Locations’ for Franchises

With Facebook Locations, you can connect and manage all your business locations on Facebook.

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What are Facebook Locations?

With Facebook Locations, you can connect and manage all your business locations on Facebook. Facebook Locations enable you to add new local Pages, edit information for existing locations, and manage your locations from one central spot.

With Locations, businesses can:

  • Help customers find a business faster
  • Offer localised content
  • Manage all locations in one place
  • Cascade brand content to all location pages
  • Aggregate check-ins on the main Page
  • Manage local Facebook ads

Challenges faced by Franchises in Facebook

  • Inconsistent branding
  • Inconsistent NAP details
  • The level of engagement with Facebook differs from franchisee to franchisee. This results in some pages with a large following and consistent content, some with very little content and no following and some with no page at all.
  • No centralised management – If a page is set-up by a franchisee employee and they then leave this can then make it extremely hard to gain access to the logins and the page becomes redundant.
  • Unofficial pages

How does ‘Facebook Locations’ Solve these Challenges

  • All pages within the hierarchy structure will feature the same Profile photo, cover photo and company description as the main brand page unless stated otherwise. This ensures all location pages follow brand guidelines.
  • NAP details can be updated as necessary through a bulk upload form (more information on this can be found below)
  • Facebook Locations offers cascading options to ensure there is an active presence on each location page. The three options are as follows:

Posts from the main brand page will only cascade down to local pages that do not already post their own content. Once a local page starts posting its own content the cascading posts from the main brand page will stop – Facebook Default

Posts from the main brand page will cascade down to all local pages as well as any posts on the local place page posts as well.

No posts from the brand page will cascade down to the local pages. The only posts on the local pages will be their own.

  • All locations within the hierarchy are managed from one central spot within Facebook. This ensures that the whilst the franchisees can work and contribute to their location pages, the ownership of these remain with the franchisor.
  • Manage Rogue Pages: Having official location pages for your brand may help cut down on the number of rogue pages created from user check-ins. These verified pages are easier for users to see and hopefully make it a simpler check-in process through their preference.

The Service

We will firstly complete a free Facebook audit on the franchises current presence.

From the audit, we will determine:

  • How many pages need to be migrated?
  • How many pages need to be created?
  • How many pages need to be claimed and deleted?
  • Do any pages need to be merged?

Complete three processes based on the results of the audit.

  1. Page Creation – For any locations who do not currently have a Facebook presence a location page linked to the brand page will be created.
  2. Page Migration – For any location who do currently have a Facebook presence with an engaged following we will take these pages and implement the location structure.
  3. Page Claiming and Merging/Deleting Process – For pages that exist but are not currently managed, we will claim and then either merge with a managed page or delete.

After the initial set-up of locations, we will continuously update the pages with any changing NAP (Name, Address, Telephone) details and create new pages on the brand’s request for any new locations.

About MiShop.local

MiShop.local provides local presence management services including Facebook Locations to multi-location brands. We currently have set up and managed over 1000 locations on Facebook.

For more information on Facebook Locations, you can check out our blog post on them here. Alternatively, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01273 987498 or at info@mishoplocal.co.uk

Get in touch

To find out how we can manage your local Listings please complete the form Below

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