What are the features in Google Business Profiles?
There are key features in Google Business profiles that determine if, and when, customers find your business. More so, if they engage with, buy from you or visit your business website or premises.
However, particular features require Content, Schedules, Management, and Customer Service.
- Name, Address, Phone Number (NAP).
- Google Posts
(Content, Schedule, Management). - Google Products
(Product or Service Images:
Content, Management). - Google Services
(Key Content). - Google See What’s In Store
(Content, Management). - Google’s Free Website.
(Content) - Featured Business Images
(Content). - Customer Reviews
(Content, Management). - Google Messenger
(Customer Service). - Google AdWords.
- Booking Links.
- Service Areas.
- Menus.
(Content, Management). - New features and updates to all of the above.
For more information on each of these features, please navigate to the FAQ using the following link

Is it necessary to keep producing new content for Google Business Profiles?
It is both necessary and important to show Google that you are actually interested in maintaining your business profile by providing accurate information for your customers.
However, it is not necessary to keep producing brand new content. For one thing, it’s very difficult to come up with new things to say about what you might be doing. For example, if you are a Plumber and you fix taps there are only so many things you can say about that. So it’s not necessary to keep coming up with new content and wording.
What is necessary is that you keep showing activity. With Google Posts, for example; you can Post content, take it down, and put it back up. As a Plumber, you could rotate through a selection of Google Posts that display your core services and add in the occasional Post to embellish specific works you have completed for customers at a specific location.
Essentially, as long as your content is effective, repurposing, reusing and rotating the same/similar content is indicating to Google that you have an active, maintained and managed Google Business Profile.
So what IS the most valuable content in a Google Business Profile?
Notably, the most valuable content in a Google Business Profile is produced by your customers. Encouraging customers to write reviews about your business that reference the services/products you provide will help to influence your local search performance.
As an example: if a customer was to review your Plumbing service with “Best plumber fitting Victorian taps in Brighton” that would be a clear indication to the Google Algorithm that you are providing the service you specify. Thereafter, your business could very well appear at the top of local search results if customers are looking for ‘Victorian tap fitting in Brighton’.
In summary: produce effective content, rotate it on a regular basis and ensure that you get your customers to leave relevant reviews that mention your products and services on a regular basis (positivity helps too!).
MiShop.local manage Google Business Profiles for businesses large and small.
We’re happy to help – please get in touch +44 01273 987498